What is a watershed?

A watershed, or drainage basin, is the total land area that is drained through a network of tributaries into a main waterway. Named watersheds can be small in size, such as the Spruce Creek watershed, or quite large, like the Chesapeake Bay watershed. We care about watersheds because they offer us a holistic scale of assessing water health and the effectiveness of our improvement projects. Please watch the video below to learn about the concept of a watershed. 


What watershed am I in?

juniata river counties




How can I help my watersheds?

Would you like to help us improve the watersheds within Huntingdon County? Please visit our Best Managements Practices page for landowner opportunities and our Volunteer page for community events. Or, contact our Watershed Specialist for more information.

Pic 1 The watershed specialist measures water quality of an agricultural stream

pic 4 A newly planted riparian buffer will stabilize and shade this stream